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basically copywriting is content writing taken to another level. it incorporates web writing and seo principles, as well as some of its original marketing purposes.

the top 7 copywriting mistakes
website content must appeal to readers and generate frequent indexing by search engines. before you write another post or article you should know the biggest copywriting mistakes to avoid.

1. not knowing your audience can be fatal. your content has to be credible and relevant to appeal to your audience. do your research to ensure you’re giving them what they want. also, write in a language and style they can relate to.

2. obsessing about length is a waste of time. web pages can be as short as 250 words, or as long as 1000 words. focus on giving quality information and value. if you have style concerns or want to maximize advertising opportunities, simply break the article over a few pages.

3. writing phd-level prose prompts readers to click away to more reader-friendly sites. write at a grade four or six level to please readers. also, be careful about using insider language. exceptions include writing for professional or technical audiences. otherwise, if you use unusual terms always give a brief explanation.

4. burying the lead frustrates online audiences. notorious content scanners or skimmers, website audiences have short attention spans. put the most relevant information upfront. the headline and first paragraph must resonate with them, or they’re gone.

5. skipping keyword research leads to ineffective copy and poor search engine results. before writing any content go to google’s keyword tool to determine the strongest keywords and key phrases. also, make a point of gathering synonyms or related terms to optimize your content.

6. posting articles without testing keyword density is so early 90s. for content to rank well, keywords must appear on the page naturally a certain number of times and in the right place. test keyword density at sites such as iwebtool for web pages and live keyword analysis for plain text.

7. keyword stuffing results in stilted awkward prose that turns readers off. some inexperienced copywriters and site owners use this method to try to get higher search engine rankings. don’t. it will also get your site penalized or blocked.

8. not formatting for online reading is a big turnoff to web readers. to keep them interested, use visual cues such as bullets or numbers, bold text, sub-headings and fonts in different sizes. however, overusing these cues on a single page is visually confusing and discomforting to your reader, so use discretion.

9. offering nothing new bores readers as quickly as you can say bounce rates. keep in mind that hundreds or thousands of other sites are targeting your market. seeking out opportunities to create edgy, groundbreaking, or counterintuitive content with lots of added value will be a boon for your online business.

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